Find more of the RIGHT clients with Scott Bywater – Kady Creative
Find more of the RIGHT clients with Scott Bywater

Find more of the RIGHT clients with Scott Bywater


When I first moved to Sydney 6 years ago, I had no understanding of nutrition whatsoever.

I was one of those annoying people growing up with a fast metabolism and so ate all sorts of junk and it never really affected me.

Fast forward a few years and a move to Sydney and I found myself with what is commonly known amongst Irish expats as the ‘Sydney stone’. AKA you put on 6KG after moving to Sydney as you are going out so much.

I reluctantly started swapping my treats for ‘health food bars’ which tasted gross but I stuck to it for a few weeks.

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So you can imagine my disgust when one day I realised these so called health food bars were filled to the brim with sugar and I may aswell have been eating mars bars all this time. (and at least I would have enjoyed the mars bar!)

I always think of this when clients come to me and they can’t understand why all of their efforts to market themselves online are going to waste and making no difference to their bottom line.

You see, without a solid foundation in place and at least a bit of an understanding of a funnel, the marketing that you do is just fluff. It’s the equivalent of obliviously chomping on sugar loaded ‘health bars’.

The good news is you don’t need a degree in computer science to learn the basics of a funnel. And I’ve enlisted marketing strategy and funnel expert Scott Bywater in todays video to ask him all of your burning questions about using a funnel and generating fresh new leads for your business.

So if you’re looking at your online marketing and it’s leaving you unimpressed, take a bite out of this new video. Did I mention it’s just 10 minutes long and the perfect watching on your commute this morning!


