Creative Business Series: Helen Roe – Business & Success Coach
I first heard of Helen Roe at the New Beginnings Fair in Sydney last year. I loved the sound of her business – she is an amazing business coach and mentor – and I just knew we needed to work together! I signed up to a 3 months coaching package and absolutely loved our weekly calls. It was amazing having an accountability partner and someone to gently keep you on track. She has such incredible insight and can really drill down into what you are struggling with and give clear action steps to get back on track. I learned SO much from this lady and just knew I had to share some pearls of wisdom with all of you guys. I hope you enjoy and if you would like to connect with Helen, check out her website here.
Hey Helen Roe! Tell us what you are up to today?
Today is one of my client days so this morning I had some coaching calls and this afternoon I’m working on creating content for my new online program. I’m also a busy mum so in the afternoon I’ll duck out to do the basketball run and pack the laptop in the car.
What do you LOVE about your business?
There’s so much! I love the freedom my business gives me, working from wherever, whenever (most of time!). The reason I started my own business was to have this flexibility and freedom to work hours that suited my lifestyle, to feel in control of my own destiny and to do meaningful work that lights me up every day. I also love how I get to grow and change organically and I have that creative freedom to express myself in my business.
What are your daily habits to keep you on track for world domination?
World domination, that I like 🙂 A morning routine to start. I’ve cultivated one after lots of experimentation and trials over the years! I am not a 5am hit the gym kind of person. Non-negotiables include meditation, a quickie yoga routine (usually in PJ’s), breakfast goodness in some wholesome form such as homemade buckwheat granola, a smoothie or eggs and avo on my flax seed bread. The day also has to include some grounding in nature, cuddling my dog Flynn and coming together at the end of the work day for a family meal and catch up around our kitchen table. I keep tight boundaries on work hours and rarely work in the evenings. All digital devices are off by 9pm and I unwind, the odd time with some TV but usually I’m pottering, stretching (a stand up desk is on the cards this year!) and always reading.
What has been your biggest business challenge to date and how have you overcome it?
It took me a long time to get really comfortable being visible in my business. I’m still working on being visible. I’m an introvert at heart so it didn’t come naturally. I also had spent so much of my corporate career working behind the scenes for brands like Coca Cola, Nivea, Colgate Palmolive and John Frieda that when it came to my business and actually putting myself out there, I found it really hard!
Getting out from behind the laptop and meeting like minded people, in person, really helped me. For one year I was the lead for The League of Extraordinary Women in Canberra, hosting monthly networking events and interviewing awesome business babes. That was inspiration on tap! More recently, I completed my time with TEDxCanberra as the Marketing Team Lead. Giving back is also important and whilst I make the effort to surround myself with inspiring people doing great things, I also try and do it in a way that gives back to others and the community. These roles were both voluntary and opportunities I am very grateful for.
If you could pick just one thing that has contributed to your success to date, what has it been?
Mindset. You can listen to all the podcasts you like and download all the online freebies in the world, but if you have not got your mindsh*@ together it will not work. Self-belief, self-doubt, self-confidence, negative self-talk, overwhelm, they are all part of the journey of an entrepreneur. It’s how you manage them that makes the difference. Right from the start I put my money where my mouth was and backed my business and my own growth and personal development. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in online personal development and business programs and learned from the best teachers and coaches in my field. And continue to do so.
If you could only work 2 hours per week on your business (lucky you!) what would you do?
Ahhh that’s not fair. I want more time! Seriously, my work fuels me and I need it to reenergise. In balanced amounts of course. OK I would say it would have to be client one to one work. As much as I love all things passive income, I really enjoy connecting on a personal level with clients and seeing them light up as they see what’s possible for their future.
What is your go-to for getting a dose of inspiration?
It varies. Some days it’s a walk in nature, other times it’s goofing around with the kids and other times it’s a feast of TED Talks. A good coffee always helps too!
What is your favourite quote that gets you fired up?
This one still gives me chills. We truly are all unique beings.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
~ Martha Graham
If you could give budding entrepreneurs one piece of advice, what would it be?
Just start. Whether it’s starting your business, writing your first blog post or launching your first online program, just do it. Done is better than perfect. The first version may not be the best and that’s okay, it means you tried, you have created something from nothing, you believe in what you are doing and you will get better.
Helen Roe is a Business Growth Strategist and Success Coach for mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to lead an extraordinary life, doing work they love. She helps mentors, consultants and service professionals price, package and present their services to generate lasting presence and profit.
Helen has twenty years international marketing management and business development experience with global brands. She held senior management positions with brands such as Coca Cola, Nivea, Colgate Palmolive, Jergens and John Frieda.
She now incorporates these A-list strategies helping the new wave of conscious women entrepreneurs around the world to cultivate success and abundance in their business and life. Helen is also a certified life coach, blending strategy and systems with a strong focus on empowering her clients to create a life on their terms, making great money doing meaningful work they love.