Lonely Website? Attract Website Visitors and Keep Them!
Does your heart sink every week when you check your google analytics only to see measly results? It’s so easy to get disheartened by this and feel like nobody likes your work or posts. Truth is, usually it’s just the ego that makes us feel this way. The bruised ego tells you nobody wants to visit your site and it’s time to pack it all in because it will never work out ever (yep, been there)! But what if I told you that there are plenty of tricks and tips to attract website visitors and keep them? No matter how amazing a website looks or the content is, that does not mean it will get seen. Most people do not have time to go trawling the internet in the hopes of finding some rare great content buried back in page 200 of google. That is why it is your job to make sure you are doing everything in your power to get your website SEEN. All of the top bloggers worldwide use these tricks, it really is game-changing!
#1 – attract website visitors by making it attract-ive
It takes the average user 3 seconds to decide whether to stay on your page or move right along. 3 seconds! You better be sure she is looking amazing. Make sure you have the basics down pat with our guest post on The Fit Foodie blog. Your website should be clear, clean and easy to navigate. Think about the user experience. They want all of the information available to them immediately. This means using hierarchy when adding your contact details and a paragraph about what you do. It should be immediately clear what you do and how to reach you. Use big beautiful imagery to show off your product or service and make sure it is eye catching and beautiful.
#2 – Establish trust
How many times have you seen an amazing product and checked reviews for it right away on amazon? Or try to decide on a movie to watch and looking it up on IMDB? Everybody loves validation. It makes them feel secure in their choices and reassured that the product/service must be good. This also applies if you want to attract website visitors. If you can immediately establish trust on your website, you have won half the battle. There are so many easy ways to establish this like adding a testimonial slider or clients logos on the bottom of your homepage.
#3 – capture their details
In this day and age with so many options and so many distractions, it is up to you to hold a potential clients attention. You cannot expect them to go searching for a way to stay in touch with you. Make sure you have your social media icons on every page and an incentive to sign up for your newsletter. This can be a discount code, ebook.. anything that provides the visitor with value and makes them want to sign up. There are so many distractions in day to day life that could make the visitor leave your page even if they liked it. Now it’s your job to remind them of your brand and stay in touch!
#4 – Add value
The best way to get anyone to keep coming back to your website is to offer something of value to them. This is a lot easier than you may think. You are an expert in your field so do not assume that what you have to say is obvious to anyone else. Do some research online to see what questions people are asking regarding your niche, then create a blog to answer these questions. It will keep people coming back for more and also establish you as an authority figure. Bonus!
#5 – Befriend Google
Google should be your new BFF if you are tying to attract people to your website. A website optimised for Google is a website on steroids, there is just no comparison. Instead of hoping people will visit your website, you need to give it the best chance possible by optimising your content. Now this sounds a lot scarier than it is, trust me! There are some amazing free apps like SEO Yoast which helps to optimise each post. Easy to set up and use too, what are you waiting for?!
#6 – Try a monthly SEO plan
If you are a pro at optimising your site and feel it’s time to up your game, why not try a monthly SEO plan? SEO is a great intro into digital marketing and there are packages available to suit all budgets. It works by submitting your website links onto directories online and building backlinks and social shares for your website. This in turn tells Mr. Google that your website is reputable and on-point. Next thing you know you are on the first page of google searches and bobs your uncle! Unlike Google adwords which disappear as soon as you stop paying the (very steep) fees, SEO is organic which means that the authority being built for your website is long lasting.
Bonus for all of our lovely readers: 1 free week of SEO with any of our plans, email for more information. *Limited time only.
As always, comment below and let me know all the creative ways you attract website visitors!