Identifying Your Brands Archetypes
What a week. Isn’t it funny how we receive the exact things we need based on what’s been on our minds? This week, everything has just felt hard. I think it’s the cumulative effect of so much change and uncertainty that after a while wears you down. And with Ireland gone back into level 5 lockdown coupled with some really busy work weeks, I was really feeling it.
Then, something great happened. I attended my first real live event in a while (yes there were other humans there!) and the speaker was so inspiring and reminded us all that business and life is extremely challenging. He played us a video of an interview of Elon Musk describing being an entrepreneur as like “staring into the abyss while eating glass” – gold!
So often we compare our bad days with someone else’s highlight reel that it’s nice to get a reminder that good things take time.
The presenter also spoke about Stoicism which was such a great reminder for me to pick back up “The Obstacle is the way” which I had abandoned when I got super busy a few weeks ago. If you google Stoicism quotes, there are some gems there to get you through tough days. It’s a great reminder to be present and just deal with what is in front of you at any one time.
So, even though I have lots of value to share with you this week to help identify your brand archetype, I wanted to also preface it with this:
Keep going.
If you’re feeling tired and burnt out – it’s OK.
If you’re having a low day and just need to take some time out – it’s OK.
You are not alone and things will get better.
The messages I was left with yesterday were:
Trust the process and trust yourself
Accept what is rather than being disappointed when things don’t work out the way you expected them to
This really helped me yesterday so I wanted to pass it on and hope it may inspire you too. Doubting yourself is normal but letting it stop you is a choice.
Ever get stuck creating content for your brand and debate how personal vs professional you should be? I have just the tool to help you! Our latest video resource helps you to identify your brand archetype.
Using archetypes when building out your brand helps to identify what you want your brand to represent. Do you want to be the motherly advisor? Or are you all about having fun and being light hearted. By getting clear on what your brand represents, it becomes easier to stick to that so you always look and sound consistent.
Ok name, it’s been a pleasure as always and here’s to dreaming big!
Kady x