Beautiful Website Created in 6 Easy Steps
A beautiful website is key to having a successful online business. Just because you are staring up and on a budget does not mean the aesthetic of your site has to suffer! Luckily, there have been so many design advancements that most of the hard work has already been down for us if we want to create a website using a pre-designed theme. As you grow, you can always then enlist the help of a great design company to boost your web presence and look. But in the meantime, we are sharing some top tips to look like a pro online (fake it till’ you make it)!
The Fit Foodie: beautiful website + brand
The amazingly talented Sally from The Fit Foodie is such a great example of someone that has started everything up by herself. From her Fit-Mixes to her blog, she has been so hands on in all areas of her business and then upgrading once the website took off. She has such a beautiful website and brand. I am always so impressed by Sally as she can do anything she sets her mind to and has a whole myriad of skills from cooking to photography – she has even just written, created recipes, stalled, shot and edited her entire new cookbook! Impressive! So when she came to us looking for some tips to give her amazing readers, we were more than happy to get involved. Read the entire article here.
Infographic: Our summarised 6 tips
Happy developing friends! If you have any questions along the way, be sure to email us and we will feature the topic in our Q+A series.